
Prime Medical


Ultrasound Kingston

Get your ultrasound scans done with no wait time.

What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound uses a specialized transducer or probe to generate high-frequency sound waves to produce images of your body’s internal structures. We are able to see the images in real-time on a computer monitor.

How to prepare for a pelvic ultrasound

  1. Eat like you normally would

  2. Drink 2 bottles of water 1 hour before your appointment

  3. DO NOT empty your bladder until after your appointment

An ultrasound uses a specialized transducer or probe to generate high-frequency sound waves to produce images of your body’s internal structures. We are able to see the images in real-time on a computer monitor.

How to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound

  1. DO NOT eat or drink 12 hours before your exam

Is an ultrasound exam painful?

Ultrasound exams are a fast, non-invasive procedure that has no known harmful side effects and does not expose you to radiation. During an ultrasound you will experience a transducer or probe gliding easily over lubricated skin. You can expect a quick, comfortable, easy experience with the help of our trained technologists.

What can an ultrasound detect?

An ultrasound can detect the following:

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